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Individual work

Face to Face & Online

50 minute therapy session with:

Accredited Therapists £70

Therapists £60

Reduced Fee by enquiry £25





Couples Counselling

£115 per session


Group Work 

Max of 10 per group

Number of sessions and cost

depending on topic: 

Anger/Low Mood/Anxiety 


Groups are promoted by email. 


To  express interest in our next group work use the Book/Enquire form.


We will hold your name on file

until group dates become available.


We operate a 24 hour notice of cancellation policy. 


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© 2022 Edinburgh CBT.
Site by Visualizethis

07753 768377

36A Broughton St
Edinburgh, Scotland
United Kingdom

Inclusion Policy
Edinburgh CBT is an LGBT+, Gender, Religion, Disability, Race and Neurodiversity affirming and validating psychotherapy practice.
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