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Therapist CPD or Personal Therapy

Updated: Jun 27

This is an opportunity for therapists who would like to engage in their own personal therapy or Continuing Professional Development, at an affordable price

We Provide CBT Therapy in Edinburgh and Online for Trainees, other Therapists
Accredited Edinburg CBT Therapist Provides CPD Opportunities and Supevrvision

Personal Therapy

When we work in the caring industry, in whatever capacity, we are acutely aware of the role of self care, but we can often find ourselves at the bottom of the pile. It may be time to access therapy for our own self care needs, or perhaps our professional body calls for this to be part of an ongoing process .

We can help. Edinburgh CBT & Integrative Therapies, offers a range of talking therapies. We love to help you match your therapy to your own needs and learning style. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is proven effective in treating many anxiety or low mood based issues. But if connecting with your emotions in talking therapy seems like a difficult thing to do, we also offer somatic therapy. Our Trauma Yoga therapist is expert in helping work though and release emotions stored within our body. People often find this is more helpful thab talking about the way they feel.

Sometines are difficulties lie in relationships; the one we have with ourselves or with others. Both our couples counsellor and psychosexual therapist currently have availability. Our linktree has a blog plots on the relation between therapy and healthy sex life. Our website gives more detail on all the therapies we provide.


Experiencing different kinds of therapy can sometimes provide new direction and highlight areas for growth. But Professional Development can be costly and finding the right course before we buy is often a challenge.

We have a strong alliance with the Centre of Therapy and Counselling Studies, based in Glasgow. We offer two training places each session. This gives trainees the opportunity to amass the 100 client hours required to become fully qualified Cognitive Behavioural Therapists and be accredited at degree level. Trainees are fully insured, registered with their professional body, qualified in Counselling Skills and supervised.

We invite you to dip your toe into the world of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy by trying CBT with our trainees. We offer 8 sessions, one a week. As our trainees are still in training, we do not charge for their therapy. A charge of £25 has been applied to each session to cover rental and admin costs.

Ready to Try?

Whatever your reasons, if you feel you can benefit from our offer, please get in touch through our website. We're ready to listen.


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